Starting Junior Youth Groups in Neighbourhoods

Starting a Junior Youth Empowerment Programme in your neighbourhood is a wonderful initiative that could make a positive impact on the lives of young people. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Define your vision and goals: Clearly articulate the purpose and objectives of your Junior Youth empowerment programme. Determine what you hope to achieve and how you envision empowering young people in your community. Understand the specific needs and challenges faced by Junior Youth in your neighbourhood. Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather information and identify areas where support is needed.

Build a team: Recruit dedicated individuals who are passionate about youth empowerment and willing to contribute their time and skills. Create a team with diverse backgrounds and expertise to ensure a well-rounded programme.

Establish partnerships: Collaborate with local organisations, schools, community centres, and other stakeholders who share your goals. Seek their support, resources, and expertise to enhance your programme's effectiveness and reach.

Use the curriculum that is already available for the programme: There are 16 books in this programme that are to be studied by the Junior Youth over a period of three years with the same animators. Stay with your JY group and study all the books with them.

Set up a space: Find a suitable location where you can conduct your programme. It could be a community centre, a school, or any other facility that provides a safe and conducive environment for learning and engagement.

Recruit participants: Reach out to Junior Youth in your neighbourhood and invite them to join your programme. Promote your initiative through schools, community organisations, social media, and word-of-mouth to attract interested participants.

Our experience: A few of the volunteers and animators of CMS have started their own Junior Youth groups in their respective neighbourhoods. We congratulate them and wish to see many more such groups established by the other animators of the programme all over the city of Lucknow.