Personality Development

CMS creates a better future for all children by maximising
their opportunities through quality education and initiatives for unity and development.

February 2020

वैलेन्टाइन डे 14 फरवरी को वैवाहिक सुदृढ़ता एवं पारिवारिक एकता दिवस के रूप में मनायें

(1) ‘वैलेन्टाइन दिवस’ के वास्तविक, पवित्र एवं शुद्ध भावना को समझने की आवश्यकता है:-

ईसा की मृत्यु के 269 वर्ष के बाद रोम के अति महत्वाकांक्षी सम्राट क्लाडियस ;द्वितीयद्ध हर तरह से अपने रोम साम्राज्य का विस्तार करना चाहता था। इस लक्ष्य की पूर्ति के लिए वह संसार की सबसे ताकतवर सेना बनाने के लिए जी-जान से जुटा था। राजा के मन में यह स्वार्थपूर्ण विचार आया कि विवाह होने के बाद सैनिकों का ध्यान अपने परिवार को चलाने की ओर अधिक चला जाता है। इस कारण से विवाहित व्यक्ति अच्छे सैनिक नहीं बन सकते हैं। इस स्वार्थपूर्ण विचार के आधार पर राजा ने तुरन्त राजाज्ञा जारी करके अपने रोमन साम्राज्य के सैनिकों की शादी करने पर सख्ती से पाबंदी लगा दी। राजा ने यह कड़ा आदेश दिया कि यदि कोई भी सैनिक विवाह करेगा तो उसको मृत्यु दण्ड दिया जायेगा। इस राजाज्ञा से सैनिकों के विवाह तो रूक गये। लेकिन समाज में भारी नैतिक पतन बढ़ने लगा।

(2) संत वैलेन्टाइन ने राजाज्ञा का विरोध करके रात्रि में चर्च खोलकर सैनिकों के विवाह कराते थेे:-

रोम के एक चर्च के पादरी संत वैलेन्टाइन को सैनिकों के शादी करने पर पाबंदी लगाने संबंधी राजाज्ञा ईश्वरीय इच्छा के विरू( प्रतीत हुई। राजाज्ञा जारी होने के बाद उन्होंने महसूस किया कि युवा सैनिकों में अनैतिकता बढ़ रही है। सैनिकों को गलत रास्ते पर जाने से रोकने के लिए संत वैलेन्टाइन ने रात्रि में चर्च खोलकर सैनिकों के विवाह कराना प्रारम्भ कर दिया। सम्राट को जब अपने गुप्तचर सैनिक से यह पता चला कि संत वैलेन्टाइन रात को चर्च खोलकर सैनिकों के विवाह कराता है। इससे सम्राट बहुत नाराज हो गया। तब उसने संत वैलेन्टाइन को गिरफ्तार कर राज दरबार में बुलाया तथा राजा ने उससे कहा कि पता चला है कि तुम रात्रि में चर्च खोलकर सैनिकों का विवाह कराते हो। यह राजाज्ञा का उल्लंघन है। इस हेतु तुम्हें मृत्युदण्ड मिलना चाहिए। लेकिन तुम सन्त हो अतः एक मौका देता हूँ कि तुम यदि अपने अपराध के लिए माफी माँग लो और वायदा करो कि तुम आगे से सैनिकों की शादी नहीं कराओगे तो मैं तुम्हें माफ कर जीवन दान दे सकता हूँ।

(3) संत वैलेन्टाइन ने ईश्वर निर्मित समाज को बचाने के लिए सहर्ष मृत्यु दण्ड को स्वीकार किया:-

सम्राट की धमकी के आगे संत वैलेन्टाइन नहीं झुके। संत वैलेन्टाइन ने बड़ी ही निडरता से राजा से कहा कि राजा! तुम्हारी राजाज्ञा ईश्वरीय आज्ञा के खिलाफ है। मैं राजाज्ञा जारी होने के बाद अभी तक तो रात्रि में चर्च खोलकर सैनिकों के विवाह कराता था। लेकिन अब मैं यदि जीवित रहा तो दिन में भी सैनिकों के विवाह कराऊंगा। सम्राट ने तुरन्त अपने सैनिकों को आज्ञा दी कि इस संत वैलेन्टाइन के सर को तुरन्त तलवार से काट कर इसे मौत के घाट सुला दो। इस प्रकार सम्राट की आज्ञा से 14 फरवरी 269 को सैनिकों ने संत वैलेन्टाइन का सर काट दिया। प्रभु निर्मित समाज को घोर अनैतिकता से बचाने के लिए संत वैलेन्टाइन ने सहर्ष मृत्यु दण्ड स्वीकार कर 14 फरवरी 269 को शहीद हो गये। इस प्रकार 14 फरवरी का दिन संत वैलेन्टाइन का शहीदी दिवस या बलिदान दिवस है। यह दिवस प्रार्थना करने का एवं शोकसभा करने का है। तथा परिवार बसाने, वैवाहिक सुदृढ़ता एवं पारिवारिक एकता स्थापित करने का दिवस है।

(4) आइये हम शहीद संत वैलेन्टाइन के प्रति सच्ची श्रद्धा प्रकट करें।

संसार को विवाह कर ‘परिवार बसाने’ एवं ‘पारिवारिक एकता’ का संदेश देने वाले महान संत वैलेन्टाइन के ‘शहीदी दिवस’ 14 फरवरी को आज जिस विकृत रूप में मनाया जा रहा है। वह हमारी आत्मा एवं जीवन का विनाश करने वाला है।

(5) स्कूल, परिवार एवं समाज को एक होकर विद्यार्थियों को बाल्यावस्था से पवित्र जीवन जीने की सीख देना चाहिए:-

इस बारे में शौघी एफेन्डी, बहाई शिक्षक ने कहा है कि - एक साफ-सुथरा एवं पवित्र जीवन वह होता है जिसमें आंतरिक तथा बाह्य गुणों में संतुलन हो। छात्रों का आंतरिक गुणों से परिपूर्ण अहंकाररहित एवं संतुलित व्यक्तित्व होना चाहिए।

साफ अन्तःकरण - पवित्रता, धैर्यशीलता, नैतिकता, विचारशीलता तथा साफ अन्तःकरण आदि मनुष्य के आन्तरिक गुण होते हैं। बाह्य गुणों में जैसे - वेश-भूषा, बोल-चाल की भाषा, मनोरंजन, कला तथा साहित्य के प्रति विद्यार्थियों में विवेकपूर्ण जागरूकता होनी चाहिए। इस प्रकार पवित्र जीवन के लिए दोनों अर्थात आंतरिक तथा बाह्य गुणों के प्रति संतुलित आचरण होना जरूरी है।

- डाॅ. जगदीश गाँधी एवं डाॅ. भारती गाँधी
सिटी मोन्टेसरी स्कूल, लखनऊ के संस्थापक एवं सभी प्रधानाचार्याओं की अपील

Observe 14 February St Valentine's Day as Marriage Solidarity and Family Unity Day Need to understand the true meaning and pure feelings behind Valentine's Day

269 years after the death of Christ, the over ambitious and cruel Emperor Claudius II of Rome wanted to expand his Roman empire. He wanted to make his army the most powerful in the entire world. In fulfillment of this vain purpose, he held the view that, after marriage, the soldiers would devote their energy and time to their families instead of training to fight in the army. As a result, he immediately issued an ordinance that soldiers were not allowed to enter into matrimony. He went to the extent of order death penalty to any soldier who got married while in service. This inhuman order put an immediate check to marriages of soldiers. However, it also led to moral degradation in society due to licentious affairs and illegal alliances.

(2) St Valentine used to open the Church at night to conduct marriages of soldiers as against the royal decree:-

As the emperor, in those days aligned himself to God Himself, the violation of Royal Order by the Roman Saint Valentine by conducting the marriages of soldiers at night, amounted to disobedience of God's Will in the beginning. On the other hand, St. Valentine observed the growing moral decadence among soldiers after the issue of the Royal Decree. Therefore, he went on conducting marriages in church to stop this immoral behaviour of soldiers. The disobedience of his orders reached the ears of the Emperor soon and annoyed him greatly. He got St Valentine arrested and brought to court. The King said to Saint Valentine, "I have heard that you conduct marriages of soldiers secretly against the royal order. For this grave crime, you will receive the death penalty. However, since you are a saint, I give you one chance to ask for mercy and forgiveness and you must promise that in future you will not conduct any more marriages of soldiers. Then I will forgive you and spare your life."

(3) St Valentine happily accepted the death penalty in order to save society created by Almighty God from moral degeneration

The Saint did not bend down before the unjust wishes of the tyrannical emperor. He spoke to the King with great fearlessness and conviction saying, "O King, your Royal Order is against the Divine Will of God. Uptil now, since the issue of the Royal Decree, I was conducting the marriages of the soldiers in secrecy at night. However, now, if I remain alive, I will conduct these marriages openly in the day time too." The King was so enraged at this proclamation of the Saint, that he ordered his soldiers to immediately put St. Valentine to death by executing him with the sword. The King's orders were immediately carried out. In this way, on 14 February 269 A.D. St. Valentine laid down his life and died trying to save society from moral degradation. So the 14th of February, is the day of Supreme Sacrifice of the noble Saint Valentine who became a martyr on this every day in 269 A.D.

(4) Come, let us show our true loyalty and devotion for this great Saint Valentine :-

Today selfish people have distorted the true message and meaning of Valentine's day which should be celebrated as a Day of Family Unity and Marriage Solidarity not as a Day of Reckless Rejoicing and Immoral Behaviour. It has destroyed our conscience and corrupted the thought and life of youth in society.

(5)The school, family and society must join hands and impart an education for life to students at an early age.

In this context, the Baha'i Teacher Shoghi Effendi has said: A chaste and holy life must be made the controlling principle in the behaviour and conduct of all men and women, both in their social relations with their own community, and in their contact with the world at large, so that they become balanced personalities.

Inner Cleanliness: This includes the inner virtues like purity forbearance, morality, understanding and goodness.

Outward Purity: This comprises of outer virtues and appearance like clothes, language, entertainment arts and literature of which students must be fully aware and knowledgeable. In this way, for a pure and worthy life, one must be equipped with both inner virtues and outward purity.

" every aspect of life, purity and holiness, cleanliness and refinement, exalt the human condition and further the development of man's inner reality. Even in the physical realm, cleanliness will conduce to spirituality, as the Holy Writings clearly state. And although bodily cleanliness is a physical thing, it hath, nevertheless, a powerful influence on the life of the spirit."

-- Appeal by Dr Jagdish Gandhi and Dr Bharti Gandhi and All Principals of City Montessori School, Lucknow.

CMS to celebrate Valentine’s Day as Family Unity Day

CMS Principals assemble to impart the message of Family Unity for Valentine's Day

CMS Alumni qualify CAT Examination

Prasoon Batham
Devesh Godhwani
Abheer Mehrotra

Prasoon Batham and Devesh Godhwani, of CMS Rajajipuram I and Abheer Mehrotra of Gomti Nagar I campus have cracked the Common Admission Test (CAT). Prasoon secured 99.88 percentile while Devesh and Abheer have 99.84 and 99.65 percentile respectively. They are now eligible for admission in the one top management colleges of India.

Message from the CMS President

Prof. Geeta Kingdon
President, CMS
Dear Parents,

January has been replete with successes at CMS. Whether it is in 263 CMS students clearing the JEE Mains exam; 42 students getting foreign university admission offers (several with scholarships); success of the CMS robotics team (the only school team) to win at the Robotics competition at IIT Mumbai; or performance in the practical singing and violin exams of the UK music exam board (ABRSM), our students brought in a torrent of achievements.

The hard-working teachers of CMS made good use of January’s weather-related school closures for investing in their training and professional development. In addition to attending training courses pre-designed by the CMS Innovation Wing, teachers also engaged in their subject-related Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to discuss and find solutions for classroom problems through peer-learning.

The CMS Tableau stole the show at the 2020 Republic Day Parade, where its message of Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam (the whole earth is a family) had universal appeal.

The one-month Children’s International Summer Villages (CISV) Camp which drew 52 children from 13 countries to CMS, concluded in late January. Living together and doing fun activities for a month together with CMS students taught them the beauty of unity in diversity in a subtle way: by experiencing that the joys, fears, predicaments, emotions and feelings of children from other countries are similar to their own.

Wishing students all the best for their annual and Board exams 2020!

CMS excels in International Music Examinations

Robert Gandhi on the drums

28 CMS students and 24 CMS music teachers took the recently held graded music exams of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) for which the examiner came from the United Kingdom. Out of these 52, 14 passed the exam with Distinction, 12 with Merit and 26 got a Pass. Again, out of the total 52 exam takers, 11 took the exam at the grade 5 level, 7 at the grade 4 level, 15 at grade 3 and 8 at grade 2 and 11 at grade 1. Aditya Yash Srivastava and Sara Enayati (Merit at Grade 5 level in Singing) and Divya Gautam (Merit at Grade 4 level in Violin) have excelled in ABRSM. In addition, several CMS students took the Rock School exam board’s practical exams, including CMS Cambridge section students Robert Gandhi (Distinction at Grade 2 level in Drums) and Divyam Chaudhary (Merit at Grade 3 level in Guitar) and also Akarsh Kumar (Merit at Grade 5 level in Electric Guitar) from Gomti Nagar Extension.

CMS offers students at several campuses the option to learn western classical music with one-to-one training classes during the school hours. Ancillary activities to create excitement around such learning include a CMS Chamber Choir and a CMS Strings Orchestra, which give opportunity to sing and play in groups. These ensembles have regular rehearsals and performances during the year, including choir performances outside Lucknow. The pieces performed at this year’s ABRSM High Scorers Concert in Lucknow were: ‘Farewell Song of the Birds of Passage’ by Felix Mendelssohn, and ‘Panis Angelicus’ by Cesar Franck.