
Interview of Saman Waheed AIR 1 in ISC

This is Saman Waheed.I stood first in the entire country in the ISC board examination for the year 2018. I scored 99.5 percent marks with perfect scores in Physics, Chemistry and Computers and 98 in English and Mathematics.

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in English from the Lady Sri Ram College for Women. When I am free which is mostly always I like to read and cook. When I am sad, I clean. I am very involved in social work and am currently working with 2 NGO's on a regular basis. Moreover,I teach the labourers' kids here at college. I do it because I like it and find a peace and calm when I am with those kids.

  1. School is the lighthouse of the society. It has illuminated my life wholly. The contribution of my teachers and parents has been integral. They had a firm belief in me and my capabilities. They pulled me out of every ocean of frustration I was in and motivated me to always do better in life. They never lost their faith in me nor did I. They stayed right beside me to help me out in whatever ways they could. I talk about my parents and teachers together here because both of these people were family. My teachers loved me and supported me like their own child. I am so glad and I feel extremely lucky that I had such dedicated teachers.
  2. There is not just one subject that I love. Back in school, I was in love with Chemistry. Writing those lovely reactions really made my day. And the benzene ring and phenol were my soulmates. I was also really interested in Mathematics and enjoyed solving questions of Integration.They were challenging and the satisfaction I got after solving those is indescribable. But my real passion was in English which is the reason I am currently pursuing the course.
  3. There are 5 simple tips that you need to follow.
    1. Don't burden yourself- The first key to success is KEEP CALM. Dont ever overstress yourself with a lot of work. Study with a calm and composed mind. Your mind works the best when it is peaceful.
    2. Study less but with undivided attention- The duration for which you study does not really matter. What matters is the topics you studied with focus. Don't sit for long hours in front of the books because trust me you will get bored. Study for lesser amount of time but make it worthwhile.
    3. Take breaks and enjoy life- Study for 1 hour and then take a 10 minute break. Go out and have some fresh air. Go out on weekends with parents. It will help you release the tension and concentrate better on your studies. Don't sacrifice your leisure time because that's very necessary. Watch television if you wish in your break time.
    4. Have a good sleep- Do not become sleep deprived owls. Sleep well and for at least 6 hours daily. Don't over sleep because that is harmful too. But don't become a person who studies the entire night.That will ruin your health and you will not be able to give your 100 percent. Sleep improves attention spans.
    5. Have motivators- Whenever you feel frustrated or depressed just talk to someone who listens to you and understands you. Talk to your friend or your parents and just get it out. You will feel good and perform better.Just talk about what you feel. Don't lock up your feelings. Let them flow.
  4. These are all tried and tested methods.So guys you can trust me on this one.
  5. So there is no particular strategy that I followed.I did not study much but whatever I studied I completely engrossed myself in it for that length of time. I have a graphic memory so it did not take me much time to remember things. I read the notes or the readings 2 times and that was sufficient.The most efficient way to study according to me is to decide beforehand how much you want to finish in one day and do that much.Start with small proportions and then increase them gradually.
  6. I think students tend to forget important stuff because they clutter their minds with the unimportant facts. First of all they should know to differentiate between the two and work accordingly. Don't study too much in one day.Study less and remember it well. Study in bits and parts.Use coloured pens and highlighters.Make your own notes and write what you have learnt.Try and remember keywords.And also don't do forceful studies. Study when you feel like and till you feel like it.
  7. What you need to know and realise is that everybody has 24 hours only. In order to be different you need to work smartly. You need to manage your time in such a manner that you are able to do all the things you like and also not miss out on studies. Cut down on unnecessary stuff that you are interested involved in and use that time to do something substantial. You have to manage your time yourself. You cannot follow somebody else's routine.
  8. Sleep well. It will help you attend your classes with full diligence. There is no point in being dizzy and going to classes. Take notes of what the teacher is teaching and listen to them carefully as their words are like golden keys for achieving success.
  9. I ate everything while I studied. So much that I can't recall.Eat healthy food. Eat lots and lots of fruits and nuts. Drink a lot of water. Stay healthy because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
  10. Have faith in yourself. Be confident about your abilities and know for a fact that nothing is impossible. You should know that you can do it. Just work hard and trust yourself. Stress and tension never help. They are your enemies. Never try to befriend them. Never be deterred by your failures because they are a part of success. They add the flavour you add to your triumph.Keep smiling and you will sail through. Keep yourself motivated and you will be successful.
  11. Be wise and prioritise. Know what is important for you and work in that manner. Make your short term goals in such a manner that they eventually lead you to your long term ones. All the best you guys.Wish you health and success in life.