Call for a full bench of
Chief Justices of the World

To hear a Public Interest Petition filed by CMS children on behalf of world's over 2 billion children and generations yet-to-be-born

Your Lordships

Over 62,000 students of City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, the world's largest school as declared by the Guinness Book of World Records and the Laureate of the 2002 - UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, are appealing to the World Judiciary on behalf of world's over 2 billion children and generations yet-to-be-born to safeguard their future.

All the children of the world, which include children of your own country, expectantly look up to the Hon'ble World Judiciary, including Your Honour, to support their call for enforceable international or world law so that there can be effective global governance. The children have a right to a safe and healthy environment, clean air, potable water, education, shelter, nutrition and above all love and affection. Therefore, the students of CMS, on behalf of the children of the world and generations yet-to-be-born, are submitting a Petition in Public Interest, which is given in the following pages for your kind consideration.

Since the petitioners, the world's over 2 billion children cannot collectively come to the Full Bench of the World Judiciary, CMS is arranging the 13th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World (The World Judiciary Summit 2012), the working sessions of which will be held from 8th to 10th December 2012 at Lucknow, India where Hon'ble Chief Justices of all the countries of the world may, besides addressing the Conference, sit as a Full Bench of World Judiciary to hear Children's Petition/ Appeal presented to the World Judiciary by representatives of over 47,000 CMS students, on behalf of the world's children and generations yet-to-be-born.

The Head of the Judiciary of a country is the custodian of the rights and welfare of that nation's silent masses. Their judgments are not only binding within their own country but even outside, as their judgments have a legal persuasive authority and are frequently quoted in various courts all over the world and influence the course of lives of all the masses of the world.

At such a crucial phase in human history, destiny has placed an enormous and inescapable responsibility on Your Lordship as the Head of Judiciary of your esteemed country to impart Justice also to those who cannot come to your court. I, therefore, urge you to fulfil the inter-generational responsibility bestowed on Your Lordship as the custodian and protector of fundamental rights and welfare of humanity's silent masses and to take such initiatives so as to safeguard the future of world's over 2 billion children and future generations.

Great thinker and world-renowned philosopher, Victor Hugo had once said: "There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come." We believe that "Enforceable International or World Law through effective global governance is the idea whose time has come." Article 51 of the Constitution of India acts as a beacon for us, which exhorts for international peace and directs the state to, inter alia, promote international peace and security and foster respect for International Law.

Countries have to surrender only a small part of their sovereignty to pave the way for enacting World Laws for eliminating nuclear stockpiles, initiating worldwide measures for conserving the environment, reversing global warming, ending civil and ethnic wars and for addressing the problems of terrorism, drug trafficking, poverty and diseases etc. which endanger the very existence of humankind. Managing this process is the biggest challenge humanity faces today. If the World Judiciary fails to fulfill this responsibility, humanity will be doomed. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India had said, "Either the world will unite or it will perish."

Children are common denominators or common concern for all nations and it is imperative that their future must be safeguarded. No nation can ignore its own children or children of the world. It is our inter-generational responsibility to bequeath to them a brighter and safer future. Dr. Kofi Annan, the then Secretary General of UNO has, in the Report placed before the September 2005 Millennium Summit, under the title "In Larger Freedom", stated that 'Five years into the new Millennium, we have it in our power to pass on to our children a brighter inheritance than that bequeathed to any previous generation.' It is the duty of every person, especially the intelligentsia, to create awareness and work in this direction so that the children and future generations inherit a safe and better future.

Hon'ble Chief Justices and Judges from a very large number of countries of the world are expected to participate in the 13th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World. And, as such, the proposed Bench will be the biggest ever constituted in the world and opinion expressed by such a Bench will go down in history as a landmark in the interest of over two billion children of the world and future generations, which the decision makers of the world will not be able to ignore.

We, therefore, urge Your Lordship to fulfill your responsibility as a Judge and as a custodian and a protector of the human rights of the citizens of the world, especially of over 2 billion children of the world, including children of your own country, to come to the 13th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World (The World Judiciary Summit 2012) that is to be held at Lucknow, India. This will not only ensure representation of your great country at this historical conference to hear and consider the petition/ appeal of world's children but also provide an opportunity to work towards safeguarding their rights.

We all share the same planet and therefore the same destiny. The world's over 2 billion children, for themselves and for generations yet-to-be-born, look up to you as the last hope of humanity's survival. Your Honour, we hope that you will not disappoint world's children and future generations.

On behalf of over 62,000 CMS students representing world's over two billion children,

Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon
Manager, CMS &
Convener of International Conferences
of Chief Justices of the World